At Klassmark, our mission goes beyond the organization of sporting events. We strive to be an example of sustainability and respect for the environment. In this sense, we work with ClimateTrade, our certified platform for the compensation of emissions.

Emission compensation at The Traka

In our latest edition of The Traka, we have taken a significant step towards abetterr. No només hem compensat totes les emissions directes generades per l’organització de l’esdeveniment, sinó que també hem tingut en compte les emissions indirectes, incloent-hi els desplaçaments de tots els nostres participants. We have acquired a carbon credit of three hundred tons, which is equivalent to the planting of eighteen hundred trees. This action not only contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, but also creates employment and supports environmental initiatives.

A Commitment for the future

For the future, we want to go further. From 2024, we will reward participants who arrive at our events in Girona using sustainable means of transport, such as bicycles, trains or electric vehicles. In addition, we are working to expand The Traka internationally, replicating the event in other countries to reduce the need for long journeys and encourage a more local focus.

Invitation to Action

We strongly believe that it is essential that everyone in professional sports consider offsetting their emissions at the end of each season, given the amount of travel involved. We invite all our participants and contributors to join this cause by using platforms like ClimateTrade to personally contribute to this goal.

Thank you for your cooperation

We would like to thank all the participants of The Traka for their contribution to this collective effort. Your commitment and participation are essential to moving towards a better life. Thank you for being a part of this vision and for your joint effort.

Attached you will find the emission compensation certificate, which accredits our collaboration with ClimateTrade and the actions taken.